Maryland Sheep and Wool 2022!

May 09, 2022

The festival was back in person for the first time since 2019! Buying yarn online is just not the same as getting to be there in person and getting to touch it. I have to admit - I went a little crazy. I bought a lot of yarn, no seriously A LOT of yarn!

It was a rainy day so there weren't as many people as I've seen in years past, but there were still a good crowd. A huge shout out to all the outdoor vendors for sticking it out in the rain. I super appreciated getting to be there. Sunday was slightly better weather - still cloudy, but no rain - and I hope that everyone was able to make big sales this weekend.

I'm currently in the process of winding all the yarn into cakes. I know that storing it under tension is supposed to be bad, but I've never had an issue. I want to walk into my yarn room (also known as the guest bedroom) and be able to just pick up a couple of cakes of yarn and start working with them. I don't want to have to pick it up, setup a table, setup the ball winder and the swift, wind all the yarn, and then get to start. So I'm winding A LOT of yarn.
yarn winding

This first batch is all from one of my favorites - Briar Rose. I don't know which I love more the Fourth of July or the Aran Tweed. They both make such nice things!

yarn winding

Next batch has the color way for the fair from Kim Dyes Yarn which is a representation of Monet's Water Lillies. Also a couple of skeins from Ellen Cooper's Yarn Sonnets and Yarn Hero.

yarn winding

These buttons were a new find, but they are amazing. I can't wait to work up a pattern to use them on!

yarn winding

This color way is from A Hundred Ravens. I got the last 3 in this gradient, should be enough to work up a sweater perfect for fall.

There's still so much more yarn to wind! Not sure if I'll get it all done before I head to Wisconsin this weekend for Michael Harbridge's workshop. We shall see.

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