Leaf Vase Turned Luminary

April 03, 2024

Quick update on fixing images - I am continuing to work through fixing the images on the blog. It's a very manual process, but I have everything from March of 2023 to the present fixed. As I have an hour here and there I'm making the updates. It's tedious so I can only do it for so long before I need a break.

I was making several leaf vases and had an interesting turn of events. When I was taking off one of the leaves there was a slight tear where the clay had just gotten too thin. My first instinct was to smoosh it, but before I could act on that instinct I thought - what if I cut out the leaves? Leaf Vase Turned Luminary

This is what a normal vase looks like without any leaves cut out. Eventually I glaze the leaves and leave the rest bare clay with a coat of clear.

Leaf Vase Turned Luminary

Initially, my thought was to cut out all the leaves. However, for this particular vase several of them were really close together and I thought I'd have a structural problem. I still might do that (on purpose this time) for a future vase, but for this one I started to strategically cut out leaves.

Leaf Vase Turned Luminary

I made sure to do cuts on all sides so that it would have a more uniform look. I think in the end my mistake is going to end up being a really cool luminary.

Leaf Vase Turned Luminary

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