Vinyl Decal Process

February 25, 2023

I wanted to show my vinyl decal process. It's super easy, but I've seen a lot of questions about it on social media. In my last post I put the vinyl down. I check them all again before applying the glaze just making sure the vinyl is adhered everywhere I want it to be.

First thing to remember - you only want to use a very very stable glaze that won't move. If your glaze moves at all then your picture will be fuzzy. Unless you want that then only use a glaze that will not move. This is Mayco Stroke and Coat Tuxedo. Put on however many coats you would usually use for this glaze. I want this to be super shiny black so this is 3 coats. Normal process applies - wait till each coat is dry before applying the next coat.

After you apply your last coat - watch the pot. You're looking for it to not be slick looking but still be a little wet. It will still look wet on the vinyl - so you have to be watching the negative space.

This one is too wet. Vinyl Decal Process

You can see here that the birds don't look like a slick wet any more, but the vinyl is still wet. This is the time to remove the vinyl. You do it while its still wet so it's not flakey. If you wait too long you'll get jagged edges when you take off the vinyl.

Pull off the vinyl slowly. No racing. Don't worry if it tears - you can only use the vinyl once anyway.

Vinyl Decal Process

Some designs are more complex. If you're looking for the smaller pieces you need to weed out - look at where it still looks more wet.

Vinyl Decal Process

Voila! Simple but effective. These will go in the kiln this weekend and I'll have pictures next week of the finished product.

Vinyl Decal Process

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