DiamondCore Tools Visit

July 15, 2024

I've gone out to San Diego a couple of times for work, but I'm always booked solid. We had a meeting that was only 10 minutes from the DiamondCore Tools store so I took a few extra minutes to stop. I got there 15 minutes before they closed, but Nicoli was still really happy to show me around and check me out for the couple of things that I bought. I didn't buy anyyhing cool - just a few replacement sanding pads and sponges - but it was still great to look around.

DiamondCore Tools Visit

This is a little station where you can try out some of the tools.

DiamondCore Tools Visit

Another station.

DiamondCore Tools Visit

This is where filming is done on the wheel.

DiamondCore Tools Visit

Some test tiles with the impression stamps.

DiamondCore Tools Visit

These are examples for the handle extruders, but I loved this glaze. It's Laguna Desert Skye, not food safe but really pretty.

DiamondCore Tools Visit

They have started selling clay and glaze too! I couldn't take this back on the plane with me, but for anyone local th is is awesome.

DiamondCore Tools Visit

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