Granny Square and Rectangle Sweater

October 26, 2023

I started this sweater as I was recovering from surgery so I completely failed at writing things down. This got interesting as I tried to recreate the two front pannels from the back panel. It also became clear that I was going to need more yarn than the two Gradient Sets I had from Miss Babs. So in the middle I had to order more yarn, and learn that they were out of stock for that gradient set (Vineyard). By some miracle they had a skein of the darkest and the lightest color in the gradient set so I went with that. Granny Square and Rectangle Sweater

The front has two granny rectangles. I had never made a granny rectangle before. I started it the same way as I would have with a square and this particular pattern started with a circle. Then when it came to make it into a square - I made sure it had 2 long sides and two short sides when I divided up the circle. As I continued it became clear (should have thought of this sooner) that the rectangles would get too wide for the front. To account for this I made the long sides single crochet while continuing the pattern on the short sides. Since I wasn't sure exactly how much yarn it would take, I ended up doing a color at a time on each rectangle building them simultaneously. More than a few times I had to frog rows if I want too big and couldn't match it on the other side.

Granny Square and Rectangle Sweater

I had intended to make the sleeves gradient as well, but since I didn't have enough yarn to do so they are only a gradient at the wrist.

Granny Square and Rectangle Sweater

I knew that the back wasn't big enough having used the entire gradient set for it so I supplemented by using the darkest color to make it bigger.

Granny Square and Rectangle Sweater

Despite having gotten another full skein of the darkest color - I could not finish the final row of edging with it and had to supplement. I'm happy with it, but it was definitely a labor of love to get this finished.

Granny Square and Rectangle Sweater

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