Kiln Results 7/29

August 02, 2021

I knew that before I could do another bisque firing I needed to clear my ready for the kiln shelves or I'd run out of room. There were several big pieces that I just hadn't been able to fit in, including a very large platter. The first picture is of the leaf bowl that gave me so much trouble. Before bisque a leaf fell off. I tried to reattach it, but in the glaze firing it fell off again. I sanded down the leaf that fell, refired it, and then glued it on - you can't even see it!

I was also doing a lot of experiments with green's this kiln because I have a ton of lily pad stuff coming through next. Searching for the best green's. My favorites were the Oribe, Wasabi, and Sour Apple. What are yours?

Coyote Pam's Green

Left: Clayscapes Cobblestone and Lake Blue
Right: Clayscapes Cobblestone and Spearmint

Amaco Snapdragon x3

Sanbao Transfer Jessica Putnam Phillips 2167 Clear

Mayco Blue Opal x3 Night Moth x2

Amaco Deep Firebrick x3 Mayco Night Moth x2

Mayco Green Opal x3 Night Moth x2

Left: Speedball Black Clayscapes Oribe
Right: Speedball Black Coyote Chrome Green x3

Speedball Black Deep Sea x3

Speedball Black Storm x3

Left: Clayscapes Oribe
Right: Amaco Aqua x3 Amaco Lustrous Jade x2

Cobalt Blue Amaco Lavendar x3

Sanbao Transfer, Speedball Royal Blue Rim, Ceramic Shop Clear

Speedball Black Clayscapes Oribe

Speedball Black Amaco Aqua x3

Flowers and Handle: Mayco Stroke and Coat Candy Apple Red, Jack o' Lantern Center
I didn't write the rest down, 2167 Clear over it all

Speedball colors listed, 2167 clear on top

Mayco Stroke and Coat Candy Apple Red, Army Surplus, Amaco Smoke

Left Top: Speedball Black Amaco Rainforest x3
Left Bottom: Speedball Black Mayco Army Surplus x3
Right Top: Speedball Black Mayco Sour Apple x3
Right Bottom: Speedball Black Amaco Wasabi x3

Left: Speedball Black Mayco Green Thumb x3
Right Top: Speedball Black Mayco Amaco Dark Green x3
Right Bottom: Speedball Black Mayco Just Froggy x3

Kentucky Mudworks Blue Suede Shoes x3

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